13 March, 2023
Lauren is a seasoned professional in the area of talent sourcing & management. With 15+ years of rich experience, she has been partnering, understanding, and delivering to leading organisations globally.
In stark contrast to her previous career as a flight attendant, Lauren fell into recruitment in 2005, beginning her time in the industry. A passion for people and their careers was soon realised, and in 2009, Lauren moved into Talent Acquisition management positions.
“Before starting Sharp People, I spent over a decade in talent acquisition, and I just love the industry. The people you meet, helping people with their career move and finding their next role… The passion people have when they get their dream position fills me with satisfaction.”
Lauren acquired vast and varied experience in talent management and strategy, through talent acquisition leadership, across multinational organisations.
2019 marked the beginning of Lauren’s burgeoning podcast career, and in August, she partnered with Craig Watson to start TaPod, Australia’s first Talent Acquisition podcast. The duo tackle the big topics in the talent market, speak to peers, and explore the news of the talent world. Lauren and Craig utilise their position as industry leaders to interrogate controversial and multifaceted issues, affecting talent acquisition, and business more broadly.
TaPod was born out of a love for the talent acquisition industry and community, and it was soon realised, that Lauren was quite a fit for podcasting. The self-proclaimed “chief chatterbox” says “TaPod was created to unify the talent acquisition industry. We wanted to provide a voice for incredible TA leaders and create a sense of comfort for listeners, that may feel alone in the frustrations they face in the workplace. I love being one half of TaPod, for the sense of connectedness this affords me, and the number of learnings and insights I have the privilege of gaining.”
And then came 2020… where mass redundancies saw Lauren lose her position as Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Manager, at the company she spent her previous three and a half years. In true one door closes, and a window opens fashion, Lauren was forced to focus on her side hustle- Sharp People.
Sharp People was founded by Lauren in 2019, offering talent acquisition consultancy services, and innovative tech recruitment. Sharp People’s talent acquisition consultancy services, accumulate experience and expertise, to offer leading organisations tailored solutions. This includes advice on employee satisfaction, retention, candidate experience, diversity equity, and inclusion, and devise a talent acquisition strategy for your business.
In turn, eliminating unconscious bias and recognising the potential of prospective employees before they start.
With the help of her extensive network and cumulative experience, Lauren can immerse herself in role specifics and company culture, to offer the best possible recruitment service. Lauren goes far beyond “putting bums on seats”, striving to achieve the perfect employment match for both candidates and clients, whose success she depends on.
In founding Sharp People, Lauren aims to provide a distinct point of difference in her pursuit of excellent service.
“Throughout my career, I have always provided the most ethical service possible, entrenched with good old-fashioned values of honesty and respect. I make an effort to understand the ever-changing ICT sector, and the real needs of our clients and candidates, with whom I create a genuine, long-term relationship.”
Over her career, Lauren has developed a passion for diversity hiring. Lauren’s personal lived experience has created an advocacy for workplace gender and age equality. On her female founder journey, Lauren says “Like many female founders, I do battle with imposter syndrome. I constantly remind myself ‘no one deserves to be here more than you.’ Instilling this in my candidates throughout their career journey reaffirms it for myself.”
Through TaPod, Lauren regularly interviews expert guests, with a range of backgrounds. This has positioned her as a thought leader in the talent acquisition and entrepreneurial space. On starting her business, Sharp People, Lauren says “life doesn’t end after your 20s, 30s, or 40s. It is long, and you can continue to follow your dreams right up until the end.”
The rich experience Lauren has garnered through her career, and other ventures, positions her as a capable talent acquisition specialist, with demonstrated success. Lauren has the skills and expertise necessary, to expand and improve your business, through talent acquisition strategy development, and innovative recruitment solutions.